About Us
We Are Ready to save your usage of gas up to 30%
1 %
Fuel Saving
1 %
Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
+ 1 Years
Expected Life Time
1 Months
Pay Back Period
About YouSave
YouSave for Fuel Saving Devices & Environmental Protection Company

rapidly established itself as the first Palestinian company specializing in environmentally friendly devices. Our main goal at YouSave is to introduce fuel-saving devices and raise awareness about green culture in Palestine. Whether you require specific individual components or compact system solutions, we are qualified specialists in our field. Since it was established in the year 2019, YouSave has been synonymous with outstanding quality and reliability. YouSave means better performance.

Fuel Saving Co.

Our Vision

To become the Middle East's leading provider of energy-saving products and environmentally friendly appliances and cutting fuel costs.

Our Mission

To provide environmentally friendly products and solutions, as well as the development of energy-saving products and solutions. We are tasked with managing energy-saving schemes based on individual needs and limited budgets in order to reduce energy waste and cut fuel costs.

Our History

YouSave is the first company in Palestine dedicated to delivering Gas Saving technology. Although YouSave has been newly established.

Why Choose YouSave?
YouSave Energy Saver

Designed to save fuel and reduce harmful emissions to the environment. YouSave is the sole provider of Y-Save (YouSave Energy Saver) devices in Palestine, Jordan, and Iraq.

Y-Save devices are designed to improve fuel efficiency in order to achieve complete combustion and save approximately 15-30% of fuel energy.
Y-Save devices are designed to reduce exhaust gas and carbon monoxide emissions by achieving near-optimal combustion efficiency. As a result, exhaust emissions are approaching zero or are very low.
Carbon will not deposit on the combustion units if exhaust gas and carbon monoxide emissions are reduced, resulting in lower maintenance and operation costs and higher efficiency.
Our remote industrial solar systems are designed to reliably power our clients critical remote locations.